Voice Brief - text to speech voice assistant for news email and more App Reviews

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Crashes 75% of the time

If it doesnt crash, then it will stop after the first sentence and not even get to the first item on the calendar. All I have it reading is calendar and weather. Also stupid that it doesnt default the weather to your current location. You have to manually update it if you are traveling. Could be a great app, but its not. Very disappointed.

Get on the Stick

App works great! Just a slight tweaking on the speech would make it perfect. It doesnt know what to do with plurals or apostrophes. Little hard to understand until those are fixed. Other than that, app works very well.

Handy app!

Excellent way to keep up with information flow. Still a bit rough around the edges but Im sure that will improve.

Nice for news while commuting

Has made keeping up to date a bit easier.


Do not buy it

Lots of bugs

Crashes and cant read google apps email

Great for commuter

I went through 3 similar programs before finding this one. I wanted to listen to tech feeds in the car to and from work. Here are the ones I tried first: RSS Voice Reader $0 Could not get any RSS URL to work Lisgo $9.55 Worked but you have to hook it up to Pocket via IFFT and Pocket has no way to bulk delete articles you already read. Did not want to maintain article list. RSS Talk $2.11 This one was ideal - just refreshed recent articles, good voices BUT it did not work with my Bluetooth speaker in the car I was so frustrated at this point that I was going to learn Xcode just to make an RSS reader. Finally I found Voice Brief $2.99. It does everything RSS Talk did and it DOES work with my BlueTooth speaker. I have been using it successfully for a week now. Updates your articles by itself so no maintenance. LOVE that it keeps the phone from going to sleep so you always have the controls in sight. The controls are nice and big for finding fast in the car. It does crash occasionally after it puts up a dialog asking you to rate it. And sometimes it freezes for no reason. But the other ones did too, and much more frequently. I can usually get through an hour commute without incident. Hint about entering custom feeds - search for them in the built-in list first. The custom feeds I entered did not work, but they were in the list and those do work fine.


Excellent product, my first "port of call" in the morning. Also check for news and information updates throughout the day. I am looking forward to improvements and additions. Great job guys. ODN

Dont waste your money!!

Never ever opened on my iPhone 5. Big disappointment!!

iPhone User

Save your money. This app can only read a very narrow band of applications, and there fore it is not worth paying for. Cant read my Company e-mails on my phone or apple IMs, so really - what would I use it for? Gmail only? not worth paying for.

Incredible Tool for Writers

I am polishing the third draft of a book and I cut and paste chapters into the body of an email,send it to myself and then have the brittish female voice read it back to me as I follow along on the Word doc. I am able to catch even the most minor mistake I cant catch with my eye. Its incredible for structure and the accent gives me a degree of removal which is incredible for editing. Best $5 I ever spent.

Great app with minor issues

I use this app, paired to my cars Bluetooth to get news and social media updates while driving. It used to crash regularly but after the most recent update its pretty rock solid. A few feature suggestions: 1. It doesnt understand contractions. Its = "it ess"for example. 2. The voices are good, but still pretty rough. Maybe an in-app purchase for higher quality synthesis? 3. I love that my cars steering wheel skip/repeat buttons work in the app, but they skip to the next section. Maybe add an option to just skip between stories? 4. The Facebook integration is glitchy. Every post ends with the spoken phrase "left a comment on this post." Even if theres no comments.


And app support DO NOT replay to governo support.

Cannot Go Without It.

Without VoiceBrief App iPhones and iPads are useless. Do not try it, just buy it.

Essential and nearly perfect

If you drive to work - you want this app. It will read you in nice voices your SMS, twitter, Facebook or Blog entries, as well as weather and your schedule/calendar entries. It self updates, and works with Bluetooth (so I hear it in my Cars audio - a 2010 Camry) My only annoyance is that is Blog entries that are HTML based (e.g Dilbert Blog, Freakonomics) when contractions are used (e.g " its " the program will say "It Anpersand 38 s" )

Good Program. Much Potential.

I work in a very noisy environment, this is why we need this type of program. This program has great potential however its reading of calendar events should be performed based on the Reminders that you set in each calendar event. With its present settings you need to either set numerous alarms on a frequent schedule to keep you ahead of your appointments or you have to remind yourself to open the application and press the play button. Last that would be helpful when the alarm goes off that you could hit the power button or some other button to get it to stop ringing as it stays on. The choice of alarm sounds should be expanded to the media already on the phone because these particular choices is limiting.

Apple needs to get Siri to do this, its perfect.

Great app and love how customizable it is.

I had high hopes

I had such high hopes after reading the reviews. The first major disappointment is that it only works with a limited selection of e-mail services and does not read from iOS mail. There is an option that says "e-mail Upgrade" but no link and no other version of the app to upgrade to. Since e-mail was a bust I decided to try one of the other limited services which is Stock Prices. I didnt even get an opportunity to enter a ticker symbol and the app began to crash repeatedly. It does have a delightfully charming message when you re-open the app but sadly it continues to crash. Conclusion: Id like my money back.

Please please update

I love the app, but it is getting difficult to use it on the newer OSes and phones. Please please update the UI and fix the crashes, the actual audio output is awesome! Ideally you could take the stocks from the built in stock app.

Horrible workflow for reading webpages

I thought Id be able to select a webpage and have the app read it out to me. The process of picking a webpage and cutting and pasting text into a single sentence reader option that you have to configure in settings, one sentence at a time is too cumbersome for me. With this much pain it should be a free app to try.

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