I went through 3 similar programs before finding this one. I wanted to listen to tech feeds in the car to and from work. Here are the ones I tried first:
RSS Voice Reader $0 Could not get any RSS URL to work
Lisgo $9.55 Worked but you have to hook it up to Pocket via IFFT and Pocket has no way to bulk delete articles you already read. Did not want to maintain article list.
RSS Talk $2.11 This one was ideal - just refreshed recent articles, good voices BUT it did not work with my Bluetooth speaker in the car
I was so frustrated at this point that I was going to learn Xcode just to make an RSS reader.
Finally I found Voice Brief $2.99. It does everything RSS Talk did and it DOES work with my BlueTooth speaker. I have been using it successfully for a week now. Updates your articles by itself so no maintenance. LOVE that it keeps the phone from going to sleep so you always have the controls in sight. The controls are nice and big for finding fast in the car.
It does crash occasionally after it puts up a dialog asking you to rate it. And sometimes it freezes for no reason. But the other ones did too, and much more frequently. I can usually get through an hour commute without incident.
Hint about entering custom feeds - search for them in the built-in list first. The custom feeds I entered did not work, but they were in the list and those do work fine.
gmacdowall about Voice Brief - text to speech voice assistant for news email and more